Beginner’s Guide to Google E-E-A-T for SEO Marketing

Beginner’s Guide to Google E-E-A-T for SEO Marketing
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What is Google E-E-A-T?

Google E-E-A-T is Google’s latest search algorithm to determine content quality and authority. Google search algorithms are derived from meticulous calibrations based on extensive user behavior analysis. They are used to filter out irrelevant information and rank the best-matched webpage to the specific query. The goal is to depict the meaning behind the searched terms accurately.

What Does Google E-E-A-T Stand For?

What Does Google E-E-A-T Stand For?
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Google E-E-A-T stands for the following:

  • E: Experience is demonstrated by the creator or author’s knowledge, skills, and abilities in a particular subject.
  • E: Expertise. Expertise is demonstrated by the creator or author’s ability to apply knowledge and skills to solve problems or answer questions.
  • A: Authority. Authoritativeness is demonstrated by the creator or author’s reputation and credibility.
  • T: Trust. Trustworthiness is demonstrated by the creator or author’s ability to be relied upon to provide accurate and unbiased information.

Why is Google E-E-A-T Important for SEO Marketing?

Following Google E-E-A-T guidelines increases a website’s ranking in search results. Apply the following tips to improve the credibility and authority of your website to drive more website traffic, leads, and sales.

Google E-E-A-T Guidelines to Increase Website Search Ranking

  • Boost website traffic: When your website is seen as a credible and trustworthy source of information, it can attract more visitors and drive up search volume.
  • More leads and sales: Increased search traffic can convert to more quality lead generation and sales.
  • Better brand reputation: A strong E-E-A-T improves brand reputation, making your business more appealing to potential customers and partners.
  • Reduce the risk of penalties: Google penalizes websites that do not meet its E-E-A-T standards. By improving E-E-A-T, you are reducing the risk of penalization and preventing loss of website traffic.

How to Update and Build Website Content for Google E-E-A-T

The First E in Google E-E-A-T: Experience

Experience and deep knowledge of a topic translate to more accurate, value-added information output.

How to Demonstrate Experience in Content

  • Write about topics that you are knowledgeable about.
  • Use clear and concise language.
  • Cite sources to support your claims.
  • Respond to user comments and questions.

For example, those looking for information on a new video game would look for content created by an experienced gamer who is able to demonstrate to an audience what the game is like, how to play it, and what you need to know to start playing.

The Second E in Google E-E-A-T: Expertise

Similar to experience, someone showing expertise on a topic means having working knowledge in the field and having studied the subject extensively. Accuracy of the content and helpful advice indicate the level of expertise the creator or author has.

How to Demonstrate Expertise in Content

  • Provide detailed and informative answers to user questions.
  • Offer solutions to problems that users are facing.
  • Stay up-to-date on the latest trends and developments in the field.
  • Collaborate with other experts in the field.

For example, if you are looking for advice on how to fix your ceiling light, seeking advice from content created by a qualified electrician is the best approach. An electrician who is an expert on the subject has the knowledge and skills necessary to provide sound advice.

The A in Google E-E-A-T: Authoritativeness

A website that provides accurate, trustworthy, and fact-checked information consistently over time garners authority.

How to Demonstrate Authoritativeness in Content

  • Appear in reputable publications.
  • Seen in interviews by reputable media outlets.
  • Speak at industry-related conferences and events.
  • Receive awards and recognitions.

For example, the official government website handling passport matters is a trusted source for information about passport renewal. This is because the authorized agency is responsible for issuing passports, and its website delivers accurate and up-to-date information about the process.

The T in Google E-E-A-T: Trust

There are many aspects of Trust, some of which are not captured by Experience, Expertise, and Authoritativeness. Google’s Trust assessment will also review customer service information for online stores or peer-reviewed publications for academic authors. If a webpage is deemed untrustworthy for any reason, Google will rate the website with a low E-E-A-T score.

How to Demonstrate Trust in Content

  • Be transparent about your sources of information.
  • Disclose any potential conflicts of interest.
  • Correct any errors or omissions promptly.
  • Respond to user feedback in a timely and helpful manner.

Top 4 Rules Google Uses to Determine the Trustworthiness of a Website

Google applies extensive measures to determine if a website and its content are trustworthy.

Rule #1. How the Website Presents Itself

The “about us” page on a website is a starting point. Google considers this information as part of its rule brick to determine if a website and its creator deliver trustworthy content.

Rule #2. What Others Say About the Website

Google looks for independent reviews, references, news articles, and other sources of credible information about the website, such as the following.

How Google Determines Website Content Trustworthiness

  • Is there independent, reliable evidence that the website creator has experience, expertise, authoritativeness, or is otherwise considered trustworthy?
  • Is there independent, reliable evidence that the website or its creator is untrustworthy?

Rule #3. What is Visible on the Webpage, Including the Main Content, Reviews, and Comments

For some webpages, the experience level and expertise may be easily recognizable from the main content. For example, you may be able to tell that someone is an expert in hair styling by watching a video of them in action styling someone’s hair and reading the comments because commenters often highlight expertise or lack thereof.

Rule #4. Conflict of interest

Google identifies whether a website is a trustworthy source by citing conflict of interest. For example, authentic product reviews by customers who bought the product and shared their experiences can be a tell-tale sign that the business is reputable. However, due to conflict of interest, vague reviews by the product manufacturer or reviews from an influencer paid to promote the product are ranked as untrustworthy.

Learn more about Google’s critical algorithm updates – Google RankBrain and Google milestone algorithm updates.

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